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Total: 21.99 USD


This amount includes for each visitor, the payment of the VISITAX tourist tax, and VISITRAVEL ASSIST, the assistance program to make your visit enjoyable.

Concepts included:

– VISITAX-SATQ Rate for 2.5 UMAS (259.00 MXN)

– VISITRAVEL ASSIST Assistance program with benefits up to $30 thousand USD that will provide you security during your visit.

  •  Medical Assistance

  •  Travel Assistance

  •  Baggage Protection

  •  Legal Assistance

  • Concierge

Your personal data is protected, according to our privacy policy at
©2022 IGS. All rights reserved
Design and development by IGS Asistencia.
The additional services VISITRAVEL ASSIST are provided and operated by IGS ASISTENCIA S.A. DE C.V, who is exclusively responsible for the provision of the service, The Government of the State of Quintana Roo, The Secretary of Finance and Planning of the State of Quintana Roo and/or the Tax Administration Service of the State of Quintana Roo, are not responsible for the provision of the services offered.


Article 51-Octies:

Foreign visitors entering the State shall pay a fee of 2.5 UMAS for the use and exploitation of property assets of the public domain. Foreign visitors entering the State of Quintana Roo through the southern border of the State are exempt from the payment.

Asistencia Mascotas 

  • Atención en centro veterinario

Cobertura:  $19.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Análisis e imágenes

Cobertura: $20.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Servicio funebre para mascotas

Cobertura: $40.000 por evento

Eventos:  1 eventos al año

  • Phono vet: consultas, viajes al exterior, adiestramiento, consejos

Cobertura: Sin límite

Eventos:  Sin límite

  • Cirugías e internación

Cobertura:  $40.000 por evento

Eventos: 3 eventos al año

  • Descuento del 40% medicamentos derivados de la consulta

Cobertura: $6.000 por evento

Eventos:  12 eventos al año

  • Aplicación de inyecciones calendario de vacuniación y desparasitado

Cobertura: $6.000 por evento

Eventos:  4 eventos al año


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