Your experts in value-add assistance programs

Our Handyman Assistance Program:

IGS provides residents with services and expertise to improve and maintain their homes. This peace-of-mind provides confidence in taking a proactive to resolving household issues.

Coverage Includes: Call An Expert Hotline

  • If you need assistance, our home care experts can help troubleshoot and offer advice where you need it.

  • Helping solve with many common issues around your home by phone or virtual appointment.

  • Just tell us when you’re available and we’ll make it happen.

From the original phone call to the project end of installing a basement toilement, the process went smooth and satisfying. I will recommended this Home Care Services to everyone. I know and pass the recommendation for home repair service. I am very pleased with all the communication, service, and courtesy.


First of all he actually showed up early and that never happens. Then he did extra work to save us the money for another part which would have allowed him to extend his time by driving to pickup another part. Instead he was able to make it work with the parts that he had on hand and that rarely if even happens either. These are the kinds of things that make people come back as repeat customers and make me confident in recommending you to others.

Bob H.

Integrity says it all. It shows in everything they do. The IGS technician worked so hard at making my remodel dreams come true, that every time I walk into my kitchen, I feel like I am on vacation.

Tom § Arienne C.

Asistencia Mascotas 

  • Atención en centro veterinario

Cobertura:  $19.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Análisis e imágenes

Cobertura: $20.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Servicio funebre para mascotas

Cobertura: $40.000 por evento

Eventos:  1 eventos al año

  • Phono vet: consultas, viajes al exterior, adiestramiento, consejos

Cobertura: Sin límite

Eventos:  Sin límite

  • Cirugías e internación

Cobertura:  $40.000 por evento

Eventos: 3 eventos al año

  • Descuento del 40% medicamentos derivados de la consulta

Cobertura: $6.000 por evento

Eventos:  12 eventos al año

  • Aplicación de inyecciones calendario de vacuniación y desparasitado

Cobertura: $6.000 por evento

Eventos:  4 eventos al año


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