Service provided by Integral Group Solution


You can add a plus to your Xcaret Experience with an assistance plan designed to give you tranquility from the first moment.


We are with you in hard moments.

Medical assistance

Our priority is your health and wellbeing.

specialized assistance

Just enjoy, we do the rest.


We provide tranquility during your trip.


We will be with you on the way.

If you need assistance, please call 559417 3614

Duration: 5 days before your visit to the Park or Tour and 15 days after your first visit.

Service provide by IGS Asistencia

The assistance services are provided and operated by IGS ASISTENCIAS S.A. DE C.V. who is exclusively responsible for the provision of the service, Grupo Xcaret are not responsible for the provision of the services offered.

Coverage covers 20 days in total, 5 days before your visit to the Park or Tour and 15 days after your first visit.

If you change the date of your visit, the assistance program is not lost. We will adapt to the date you choose to enter a park.

If you change the date of your visit, the assistance program is not lost. We will adapt to the date you choose to enter a park.

Call 559417 3614 to report an emergency and request assistance.

No, the assistance program must be purchased before your arrival at the Park. Otherwise, we will not be able to provide assistance if required.

Remember to have a valid passport and pay the Tourist Tax for tourists entering the State of Quintana Roo. Pay here.

Integral Group Solution 2023

Asistencia Mascotas 

  • Atención en centro veterinario

Cobertura:  $19.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Análisis e imágenes

Cobertura: $20.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Servicio funebre para mascotas

Cobertura: $40.000 por evento

Eventos:  1 eventos al año

  • Phono vet: consultas, viajes al exterior, adiestramiento, consejos

Cobertura: Sin límite

Eventos:  Sin límite

  • Cirugías e internación

Cobertura:  $40.000 por evento

Eventos: 3 eventos al año

  • Descuento del 40% medicamentos derivados de la consulta

Cobertura: $6.000 por evento

Eventos:  12 eventos al año

  • Aplicación de inyecciones calendario de vacuniación y desparasitado

Cobertura: $6.000 por evento

Eventos:  4 eventos al año


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