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Book & request a quote

We stand behind the quality of our Pros. If you are not reasonably satisfied with the Pro who is sent to your home, we will seek to rectify the situation. This is our commitment to you.

Fill out the form below (phone / iPad / tablet friendly) and we will get back to you with a quote to install an electric car charging station at your home. Filling out this form with pictures saves us from driving out to your home, lowering your final cost … and vehicle emissions!

If your needs involve an apartment or condominium, please click here.

About Integral Group Solution

We operate with a B2B and B2B2C business model, in which we provide white label assistance services for banks, insurance agencies, retailers, utility providers, financial service firms, specialized service providers, among others.


© 2022 IGS. All rights reserved.

Asistencia Mascotas 

  • Atención en centro veterinario

Cobertura:  $15.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Análisis e imágenes

Cobertura: $15.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Servicio funebre para mascotas

Cobertura: $33.000 por evento

Eventos:  1 eventos al año

  • Phono vet: consultas, viajes al exterior, adiestramiento, consejos

Cobertura: Sin límite

Eventos:  Sin límite

  • Cirugías e internación

Cobertura:  $33.000 por evento

Eventos: 3 eventos al año

  • Descuento del 40% medicamentos derivados de la consulta

Cobertura: $5.000 por evento

Eventos:  12 eventos al año

  • Aplicación de inyecciones calendario de vacuniación y desparasitado

Cobertura: $5.000 por evento

Eventos:  4 eventos al año


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