Unfortunately, the payment for this order has failed.

An issuing bank will often decline an attempt to charge a card if the name, expiry date, or post code you entered doesn’t match the bank’s information.

In order to proceed with your order and avoid cancelation, we kindly ask you to change your payment method and intent again.

Your order number: xxxxxxxxxxx

Invoice adress

Delivery address

Payment methods


Total: xx

Colocar servicio

Colocar detalles del servicio

We appreciate the trust you have placed in us and aim to provide you with the highest quality of service. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team at 1 (800) 750-8374 .

Thank you for choosing IGS handyman Assistance Program.

Integral Group Solution (IGS) offers home service contracts to homeowners in 33 states and Washington, D.C., and currently services more than 1.3 million home service contracts in USA, LATAM and Europe. The company has been providing Home Service contracts since 2012 with more than 9 out of 10 customers satisfied, and an A Rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Asistencia Mascotas 

  • Atención en centro veterinario

Cobertura:  $19.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Análisis e imágenes

Cobertura: $20.000 por evento

Eventos:  6 eventos al año

  • Servicio funebre para mascotas

Cobertura: $40.000 por evento

Eventos:  1 eventos al año

  • Phono vet: consultas, viajes al exterior, adiestramiento, consejos

Cobertura: Sin límite

Eventos:  Sin límite

  • Cirugías e internación

Cobertura:  $40.000 por evento

Eventos: 3 eventos al año

  • Descuento del 40% medicamentos derivados de la consulta

Cobertura: $6.000 por evento

Eventos:  12 eventos al año

  • Aplicación de inyecciones calendario de vacuniación y desparasitado

Cobertura: $6.000 por evento

Eventos:  4 eventos al año


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